
News articles about Wishtower, industry news as well as anything else we would like to chat about


Lean, Mean Fighting Machine – The importance of portfolio reviews

Let’s face it, no one really likes going to the dentist – but you do because you recognise the benef ...

10th December|

Do You Want to Break Up? – Break Clauses & Commercial Leases

The clear moral is: if you want to avoid expensive litigation, and the possible loss of a valuable r ...

10th November|

Abracadabra? Section 20 Notices for Qualifying Works and Long Term Agreements

You might feel that a Section 20 notice is some sort of mysterious rabbit pulled confusingly out of ...

21st September|

Alterations and the importance of Freeholder consent

The importance of obtaining freeholder consent for alterations can often be overlooked or ignored by ...

4th September|